Plugin SLiMS 7 Label Barcode Warna Rotasi

Plugin Label Barcode Warna Rotasi
Dulu saya pernah memposting Plugin SLiMS 7 Label Barcode, yang belum coba baca di

Sekarang saya akan memposting Plugin SLiMS 7 Label Barcode Rotasi, Plugin ini hampir sama dengan Plugin SLiMS 7 Label Barcode , beda nya barcode dirotasi ,

Mengapa dirotasi ?
Ada beberapa kasus barcode item buku sejajar dengan barcode ISBN nah jadi masalah barcode tidak terbaca. Harap dicamkan baik baik , model barcode rotasi akan baik hasil nya maksimal  7 digit! Jika hasil nya kurang baik silahkan oprek sendiri !

Berikut cara install plugin Plugin SLiMS 7 Label Barcode Rotasi
1) Download di :

2) Ekstrak nanti akan terbentuk folder label-barcode-warna-rotasi
didalam nya berisi file

3) Buka file  submenu.php menggunakan Notepad ++, file ini ada di D:\xampp\htdocs\slims7_cendana\admin\modules\bibliography ,kode ini adalah kode yang berisi submenu pada bibliografi. Nanti nya submenu ini tampil di sisi kiri.
4) Tambahkan kode berikut ,
$menu[] = array(__('Label Barcodes'), MWB.'bibliography/label_barcode_generator.php', __('Print Label Barcode'));
$menu[] = array(__('Label Barcodes Warna'), MWB.'bibliography/label_barcode_generator_warna.php', __('Print Label Barcode Warna'));

Kemudian save .Sehingga kode selengkap nya menjadi seperti berikut ini

 * Copyright (C) 2007,2008  Arie Nugraha (
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/* Bibliographic module submenu items */
// IP based access limitation


$menu[] = array('Header', __('Bibliographic'));
$menu[] = array(__('Bibliographic List'), MWB.'bibliography/index.php', __('Show Existing Bibliographic Data'));
$menu[] = array(__('Add New Bibliography'), MWB.'bibliography/index.php?action=detail', __('Add New Bibliographic Data/Catalog'));
$menu[] = array('Header', __('Items'));
$menu[] = array(__('Item List'), MWB.'bibliography/item.php', __('Show List of Library Items'));
$menu[] = array(__('Checkout Items'), MWB.'bibliography/checkout_item.php', __('Show List of Checkout Items'));
$menu[] = array('Header', __('Copy Cataloguing'));
$menu[] = array(__('Z3950 SRU'), MWB.'bibliography/z3950sru.php', __('Grab Bibliographic Data from Z3950 SRU Web Services'));
$menu[] = array(__('Z3950 Service'), MWB.'bibliography/z3950.php', __('Grab Bibliographic Data from Z3950 Web Services'));
$menu[] = array(__('P2P Service'), MWB.'bibliography/p2p.php', __('Grab Bibliographic Data from Other SLiMS Web Services'));
$menu[] = array('Header', __('Tools'));
$menu[] = array(__('Label Barcodes'), MWB.'bibliography/label_barcode_generator.php', __('Print Label Barcode'));
$menu[] = array(__('Label Barcodes Warna'), MWB.'bibliography/label_barcode_generator_warna.php', __('Print Label Barcode Warna'));
$menu[] = array(__('Labels Printing'), MWB.'bibliography/dl_print.php', __('Print Document Labels'));
$menu[] = array(__('Item Barcodes Printing'), MWB.'bibliography/item_barcode_generator.php', __('Print Item Barcodes'));
$menu[] = array(__('Catalog Printing'), MWB.'bibliography/printed_card.php', __('Prl Barcodeint Catalog Card'));
$menu[] = array(__('MARC Import'), MWB.'bibliography/marcimport.php', __('Import Bibliographic Data from MARC file'));
$menu[] = array(__('Data Export'), MWB.'bibliography/export.php', __('Export Bibliographic Data To CSV format'));
$menu[] = array(__('Data Import'), MWB.'bibliography/import.php', __('Import Data to Bibliographic Database from CSV file'));
$menu[] = array(__('Item Export'), MWB.'bibliography/item_export.php', __('Export Item/Copies data To CSV format'));
$menu[] = array(__('Item Import'), MWB.'bibliography/item_import.php', __('Import Data to Item/Copies database from CSV file'));

4) Silahkan copy paste file
yang baru kamu download ke D:\xampp\htdocs\slims7_cendana\admin\modules\bibliography

Kemudian copy paste file
yang baru kamu download ke D:\xampp\htdocs\slims7_cendana\admin\admin_template
  5) Sekarang login ke SLiMS , dan coba pada klik menu biblio grafi. Jika kamu sukses tanpa malpraktik install plugin maka akan muncul submenu baru Label Barcodes dan Label Barcodes Warna

6) Coba cetak yuuuk. Klik Menu Bibliografi, Label Barcode
Tandai Semua

Cetak Label Dari Data Terpilih